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Is the carried/double touch/Sling rule still in place?
As per this rule if the shuttlecock was carried or hit the racket twice it is a fault.Some of my friends were saying this rule has been removed recently.
Please confirm if it is still applicable.
Your friends are misinformed. Require them to cite their sources. These rules are still in place and there are no considerations of removing them.
It is likely that removing them would have a very negative impact on the game - it would look more like volleyball, with rallies of more than a couple shots being an exception. In addition, these faults are extremely rare and thereby do not interrupt the flow of the game. Therefore, BWF has not announced any plans, and there are no serious discussions, of modifying or removing these rules.
From the official BWF laws:
Thanks a lot for your prompt and precise reply. I will show this to them tomorrow.
this part can lead to discussions tho
its NOT a fault if you hit it twice in one stroke -
Is it even physically possible to hit twice in one stroke?
Charlie-SWUK Regular Member
Ok, so you aren't allowed to hit the shuttle twice.Because the frame is raised from the string bed, if someone hit the frame and strings with a misshit, people *could* say you struck the shuttle twice. This rule prevents that from happening as there's no tangible benefit to doing this anyway.
Yes indeed.. This happens and that is the reason the rule was introduced. When it happens shuttle lands at unpredictable place in the court leaving the opponent with no opportunity to play it.
Sorry for bringing up an old thread.
But was 13.3.7 changed in the last couple of years. I was under the impression slinging in one racket movement was allowed, as it wasn't intentionally, but I can't see any rules that justify this ...To describe the scenario I'm thinking of, it sort of happens when you're defending a shuttle on one side of your body and you end up carrying the shuttle across your body.
I remember watching a Zhao Yun Lei match, where she defended a shuttle towards her body, by sweeping her racket upwards. The slow motion replay showed her hitting the shuttle multiple times and the commentator said this was now allowed. (Sorry that I can't find the video or if I remembered it wrong).
13.3 if in play, the shuttle:....
13.3.6 is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke;
13.3.7 is hit twice in succession by the same player. However, a shuttle hitting the head and the stringed area of the racket in one stroke shall not be a "fault";
Don't worry I've had another look and it looks like it hasn't changed in a while.
I've been reading up on threads from 2008 on double hits and one stroke, and it looks like this might've changed around 2006. I guess I need to update myself on the interpretation of the rules.
The "slinging" of the shuttle means holding it on the stringbed for a moment and than shooting it back. It has never been allowed.
However the rule that has changed is "hitting the frame and stringbed in one motion". It used to be forbidden but it's been allowed for quite a few years now (2006?). This is probably what happened in Zhao Yun Lei match..